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Three centuries ago, Industry 1.0 introduced water and steam powered machines that supported economies of scale. Machine technology has only gotten better through the centuries, as the introduction of electricity and automation further enhanced the speed and mass production capabilities of manufacturing machinery. Today, we are in the fourth iteration of the industrial revolution โ€“ with progressive technology such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data Analytics Security elevating automation and efficiency to a whole new level and ushering in a new era of smart manufacturing.

Manufacturers today are focusing on driving agility across the value chain as they leverage progressive technology. But rising technology adoption across the manufacturing value chain serves as a double-edged sword: Along with this comes numerous cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities to address. How, then, should manufacturers build future-proof factories that are as smart as they are sustainable? And how can leaders step in to ensure that digitalisation across the manufacturing value chain is done responsibly โ€“ with sustainability in mind?

Get some insights on sustainable best practices and innovations addressing Industry 4.0 connectivity and cybersecurity requirements in our upcoming DX Leaders episode โ€“ " Unleashing the Power of the Smart Factory".

The episode will delve into how we can develop smart factories and how DX leaders can play a part in creating and implementing sustainable structures and patterns.

The following are the panelists in the third episode:

Stanislav Protassov, Technology President & Co-founder at Acronis

Robert Jeker, Business Development Director at Inventa Technologies

Yew Wee Ho, Director, Industry Development at A*STAR

DX Leaders will be hosted by Andreas Enderlin, Chair of Digital Transformation Award and Lars Voedisch, Founder & Managing Director, PRecious Communications.

Join us in the next episode of DX Leaders on Tuesday, 17 August 2021, at 4:00pm (Bangkok time)

Aug 17, 2021

16:00 - 17:00 GMT+7


  • 16:00 - 16:05Welcome and Introduction by moderator, Lars Voedisch
    16:05 - 16:10What is the Digital Transformation Award about by Andreas Enderlin
    16:10 - 16:20Todayโ€™s focus
    16:20 - 16:40Panel discussion
    16:40 - 17:00Q&A session


  • Andreas Enderlin (Founder & Managing Partner of Hugo Capital Partners)

    Andreas Enderlin

    Founder & Managing Partner of Hugo Capital Partners

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  • Yew Wee Ho (Industry Development at A*STAR)

    Yew Wee Ho

    Industry Development at A*STAR

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  • Robert Jeker (Business Development Director of Inventa Technologies)

    Robert Jeker

    Business Development Director of Inventa Technologies

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  • Stanislav Protassov (Co-founder & Technology President of Acronis)

    Stanislav Protassov

    Co-founder & Technology President of Acronis

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  • Lars Voedisch (Managing Director & Principle Consultant of PRecious Communications)

    Lars Voedisch

    Managing Director & Principle Consultant of PRecious Communications

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